Geneva Hearing Services - Geneva, IL


You’ve most likely heard some ringing in your ears at one point in your life or another. That ringing is called tinnitus. According to most studies, 15-20% of people experience tinnitus at any particular time. Normally, it doesn’t last. But chronic tinnitus, a ringing that won’t go away, can be uncomfortable and upsetting. Luckily, there is a common and simple treatment for tinnitus: hearing aids.

Coping With Persistent Tinnitus

Some of the many reasons why tinnitus happens are pretty simple to figure out, others not so much. Tinnitus can also sound like a wide variety of subjective and objective sounds, from pounding to clanging to metallic buzz-saw noises, whatever beautiful symphony your ears can generate.

The louder and more extreme the sounds are, the more invasive tinnitus tends to become. Difficulty communicating, mental health declines, and interruption of your everyday life can be the eventual consequence.

Tinnitus And Hearing Aids

While there is often no way to cure the root cause of tinnitus, hearing aids have become rather skilled at treating tinnitus symptoms. There are a variety of ways that hearing aids achieve this.

Making The Ringing in Your Ears Harder to Notice

Tinnitus and hearing loss frequently manifest hand in hand. Sometimes, they have the same underlying cause, but sometimes they don’t. But it’s quite likely that your tinnitus will worsen as your hearing loss declines. There’s less competition, and that buzzing or ringing can really stand out (it’s like winning American Idol in a year with sub-par contestants).

Your hearing aid can turn the ambient sound of the outside world up. You will get relief when your tinnitus is pushed back to a manageable level. This can help you give attention to and enjoy your life.

Muting The Noises Out

Of course, there’s a difference between masking your tinnitus and overwhelming your tinnitus. So to help handle your ringing and buzzing, many modern hearing aids use a form of noise cancellation technology. Some white noise frequencies can be tuned into your hearing aids that can help reduce tinnitus symptoms. Basically, by generating specific kinds of sound, your hearing aid can help minimize the volume of your tinnitus symptoms.

This is a customized technology and a consultation with us will help you figure out if this is right for you.

There’s no cure for most kinds of chronic tinnitus. But you can still find ways to deal with it. A properly calibrated hearing aid can allow you to fully live your life and enjoy the world without being overwhelmed by buzzing, ringing, or any other tinnitus-related noises. Hearing aids are the ideal choice for individuals with tinnitus.

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