Diet Could be Closely Linked to Your Tinnitus Symptoms
Research is adding weight to the notion that what you eat could have a direct influence on your development of tinnitus.
Despite Your Hearing Loss, You Can Still Enjoy the Holidays
These tips for people with hearing loss can help you enjoy the holiday season–and reconnect with your friends, family members, and loved ones.
Did You Realize Your Common Cold Could Cause Hearing Problems?
How do I know if that pain in my ear is a cold or an ear infection?
When Was the Last Time You Got a Hearing Exam?
Why is a hearing test important and how often do you need one?
These Chemicals May Increase Your Risk of Hearing Loss
Ototoxic chemicals in your work environment could lead to this.
Why Hearing Aids Aren’t “One Size Fits All”
Here’s why hearing aids should be unique to the person suffering with impaired hearing.
In Spite of Your Hearing Loss, You Can Get through That Holiday Office Party
If you have hearing loss, you might have some very specific reasons for dreading your next office holiday party. But these strategies can help you kick back–and enjoy yourself!
The Pros and Cons of Hearing Aid Domes
Hearing aid domes are cone-shaped silicon devices that can help non-custom hearing aids fit–and work–more efficiently. But they have benefits and drawbacks.
Can Hearing Loss Cause Sensitivity to Loud Sounds?
Hypersensitivity to loud sound is often reported in those with hearing loss. The root cause is a condition hearing specialists call auditory recruitment.
What’s a Healthy Volume to Listen to Music on Your headphones?
Your headphones could be causing you serious hearing damage. Here’s how to listen to your favorite bands safely.