Geneva Hearing Services - Geneva, IL

Older man behind the wheel of his car excited to drive since he solved his hearing loss.

Hearing loss is a widespread challenge for older individuals, but does it require quitting driving? Driving habits vary amongst different individuals so the response isn’t straightforward.

Even if some adjustments need to be made to the radio volume, hearing loss shouldn’t mean a competent driver needs to quit driving.

Whether hearing loss presents a risk while driving is an important consideration for those planning everyday commutes or winter road trips. Is your driving becoming unsafe because of hearing loss?

Think beyond driving…

If you are noticing hearing loss, it won’t have a substantial impact on your driving ability…yet. That day is coming, though, if you choose to just dismiss your decline.

There is a solid connection between hearing health and brain health, as reported by Johns Hopkins Medicine. The brain has to work extra hard fighting to hear, which causes it to have fewer resources for other everyday activities. It is a contributing factor to brain atrophy, which leads to dementia. An individual suffering from dementia certainly can’t drive.

If you have hearing loss, can you still drive?

Driving requires robust observational skills and some of that is auditory, but that doesn’t mean you can’t drive if you have hearing loss. The Center for Hearing and Communication reports that around 48 million Americans have significant hearing loss, and a good number of them still drive.

Guidelines for driving if you have hearing loss

You can still be a safe driver if you make some adjustments and use these tips.

Quit putting off

Come in to see us for a hearing exam and find out if hearing aids will help your condition. Hearing aids can help get rid of the “should I be driving with hearing loss” question.

When you drive, be more observant

Even if you have hearing aids, you will still need to be a more aware driver to ensure you’re not missing anything in or around your vehicle.

Don’t let it get too loud in your car

This will let you focus your listening on driving without distractions. Turn the radio off or down and ask your passengers to keep the chit-chat to a minimum.

Learn to look at your dashboard often

When you drive with hearing loss, the little things can add up. For example, you won’t hear that clicking sound that lets you know that your turn signal is on. So routinely look at your dashboard because your eyes will have to pick up the slack.

Make maintenance a priority

Maybe your car is making a weird noise in the engine but you can’t hear it. Have your car serviced regularly so you can prevent this significant safety risk. For people with hearing loss, this is important, even more so than it would be for somebody who doesn’t have hearing loss.

Watch the other cars closely

Of course, you would do that anyway, but you want to watch for signs you might be missing something. You might not hear emergency sirens, for example, so if the cars are pulling over to the side, you should too. Use the behavior of other drivers to get some visual clues about traffic patterns around you.

So is it possible to safely drive when you have hearing loss? That’s up to you. It is possible to be a safe driver even if your hearing is not what it once was because most likely your other senses will help you make the adjustment. But if you’re feeling worried about it, make an appointment to come see if we can help you improve your situation, possibly by using hearing aids.

Give us a call today to schedule your hearing exam and investigate hearing aid options for your distinctive lifestyle.

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